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Mr Hemant Varghese
Certified football coach and proprietor of Prakrida- specialised football store

“As a certified, foundation football coach and proprietor of Prakrida- specialised football store, nutrition is a very important aspect for physically developing grassroot sports persons and grooming them to be fit for game scientifically. I have been associated as a trusted distributor of Nutra products from 2016 in Bangalore and I immensely value this partnership.
The wider research of the products and the constant effort to improve the products. Batch wise, drug free and certified supplements. The drive of the pioneering leadership of Nutra to play vital role in making difference in our country’s access to effective and safe sports nutrition and to help sports persons to win clean! “

Vikram Ingale
Shiv chattrapati awardee –
2 bronze in 2018 Asian championship in Korea
2 bronze in 2016 Asian championship in China
Participant of 2010 Asian games in China
Multiple times national champion
Total 21 golds 5 silver and 2 bronze in nationals

“I have been using nutra supplements for 4-5 years now. And I am proud to be associate with them for 2 years. All Nutra supplements are dope free so any athlete can take it. I have seen the results in my performance. Nutra supplements provides complete nutrition which are required for the athletes. They have given me satisfied results and hope to continue my skating journey with nutra supplements.“

Siddhant Rahul Kamble
2017 world roller games 7th in 1000m
rink race (junior)
2018 Asian championships bronze medalist
in relay race (senior)
58th national champ 3 golds one silver one bronze

“I have been using Nutra whey isolate since 3 years now and it has helped me in post training recovery after all my hard sessions may it be on skate or off skate. Nutra supplements being certified as dope free are totally reliable and really effective.”

Jayant Jaiprakash Duble,
International Open Water Swimmer

“Every sportsman, especially open water marathon swimmer, needs a supplement food for performance and recovery. During my training program, nutra supplements have really helped me alot. Undoubtedly, my success has contributions of Nutra Supplements too.“

Mr Siddharth Chetnani F/O kkaira chetnani
Age -15years
Sport –Tennis

“My child plays a sport and giving the right amount of protein was v importqnt as suggested by my nutritionist i switched to nutra whey as a parent giving protein powder was something which I was really hesitant but this made a lot of difference to my child it has been a year she not only increased in height but also manage to get less injuries i would recommend every parents to switch to nutra whey u won’t be disappointed .”

Pramod Krishnamurthy ,
has Spent 25 Years in the Corporate World and has a Passion for Scientific Approaches to Health and Wellness

“My family and I have been using Nutra Supplements for several years now and have benefited greatly. My strength and recovery in general is way better than before. I was concerned about possible side effects of using supplements, but since I know the people personally and their high levels of integrity, I am very confident about Nutra products.
I would heartily recommend their products to others without hesitation. “

Mr Hemant Varghese
Certified Football Coach and Proprietor of Prakrida- Specialised Football Store

“As a certified, foundation football coach and proprietor of Prakrida- specialised football store, nutrition is a very important aspect for physically developing grassroot sports persons and grooming them to be fit for game scientifically. I have been associated as a trusted distributor of Nutra products from 2016 in Bangalore and I immensely value this partnership.
The wider research of the products and the constant effort to improve the products. Batch wise, drug free and certified supplements. The drive of the pioneering leadership of Nutra to play vital role in making difference in our country’s access to effective and safe sports nutrition and to help sports persons to win clean!”

Shri Sanjiv Patil ,
Joint Director – FSSAI

“I myself being an avid sportsman, I am completely aware of the pains and difficulties experienced by sport’s person!
Having visited Nutra Supplements , I am extremely glad that you are working on this aspect of sports that I had personally thought of and dreamt of in past when I was an active sportsman myself.
It gives me immense pleasure to have visited one of the few excellent projects in our country dedicated to sports nutrition today.
I take with me a feeling of extreme satisfaction and happiness after meeting you at your factory. “

Ms Aradhana Sharma,
Sports Nutritionist, Army Sports Institute-Pune

“My visit to Nutra Supplements manufacturing unit was a wonderful experience. Proud to see such good facility and production unit in our own Pune city. Very professionally managed. Wish whole Nutra team a huge success and many more successful products launch in near future. Keep up the good work.”

Lt Col Anup Krishnan,
Sports Medicine specialist, Army Sports Institute and Indian Military Academy

“Well organised and maintained facilities. Good emphasis on the manufacturing of quality supplements. All the best.”

Dr Samar Zenia,
Sports Physio-Olympic Gold Quest

“Wonderful set up with detailed evaluation and studies that has been done is very evident in the quality of product produced by Nutra Supplements. Great work. Keep it up. I always recommend Nutra Supplements to my players and that has shown results.”

Ravinder S Naidu
Brig Ravinder S. Naidu
DDGPT, Chairman ASCB, New Delhi

“A very educative tour of the impact of Dope Free Supplements for the keen sportsmen of our Nation and for a futuristic appraisal in enhancing the performance of Amy Sportsmen.”

C. Ananda Jothi,
Chairman and Director, SRI SUGAM Physiotherapy Institute Pvt Ltd.

“Excellent concept of manufacturing systematically, with scientific approach with right team. This will change the Indian athletes in various sports to win more Olympic medals. Keep Moving”

Sameeya Mistry

“Hello, I am skater Sameeya Mistry and I am using Nutra supplements since last 4 years and it helped me a lot. Nutra professionals are quick, courteous, and extremely helpful. They ensure that required products reach on time always I participate every year in events being organized by Roller Skating Federation of India (R.S.F.I) and it gives me immense pleasure to put on records that this year too I have secured 1 Gold & 2 bronze in the National Championship organized at Mohali, Punjab from 5 Apr to 10 Apr. I also participated to the selection trials & won 2 Gold. I am selected in Juniors category ( under 19 ). Now I shall represent India for the World Championship held in Colombia during September 2021.“